& Construction

Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
& Manufacturing

Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Accelerate your post-production workflow with cutting-edge VFX and editorial finishing tools right at your fingertips.
Combine the interactive speed of traditional 2D compositing and powerful 3D visual effects in Action
Easily isolate skies, human bodies, heads, face features, or other objects using AI-powered keyers
Insert, cut, and apply effects to video and audio files
Generate camera data, a point cloud, and Z-Depth map to easily position objects in a scene
Blaze through color work with an HDR-ready and float-point capable color tool
Color grade in an integrated environment that connects to colorist control panels
Store grabbed references and Timeline FX setups in a dedicated grade bin and reference comparison area
Stream audio and video across a network for more productive client sessions
Create HDR content with Dolby Vision technology for an enhanced viewing experience
Power through 11th-hour post-production editing with robust Flame tools.
Human face extraction
Extract mattes using machine learning with a human-face region Semantic keyer.
Semantic keyer for sky extraction
Isolate skies with a single click to remove clouds, add treatments to sky backgrounds, and more.
Human body and head extraction
Isolate human bodies and heads for fast, iterative color grading and light FX treatments on shots.
AI-powered salient keyer
Find and provide a matte for the most obvious object within a bounding box using object recognition tools.
Enhanced Camera motion solver
Apply Advanced Camera solver based on SFM (Structure from Motion) and Visual SLAM, with machine learning object detection.
3D compositing
Combine the interactive speed of traditional 2D compositing and powerful 3D visual effects in Action.
Integrated finishing core toolset
Apply color and effects in an integrated environment connected to Tangent colorist control panels.
MasterGrade creative color tool
Use modes optimized to grade the three types of colors spaces: video, logarithmic, and scene-linear.
The Explorer grade bin
Save and recall color grading and FX work in a dedicated grade bin and reference comparison area.
NDI video preview streaming
Remotely stream content with Fullscreen Video over IP to any NDI receiver or webcasting software.
Dolby Vision HDR compatible
Import, author, display, and export Dolby Vision HDR animatable metadata.
Z-depth map generator
Use machine learning for live-action, scene-depth reclamation. Color correct and apply effects based on camera distance.
Human face normal map generator
Generate 3D surface-orientation bump maps with machine learning for color adjustment, relighting, and retouching.
3D selective motion vector mode
Feed CG-rendered or analyzed motion vectors directly into 3D selectives to combine with masks.
PhysicalDefocus effect
Try the GPU-accelerated rack defocus effect for Image, Action, and Batch.
Cryptomatte render pass support
Skip re-rendering with crypto object, asset, and materials available in Flame and Flare.
Refract real-world material with 3D objects, and distort background objects based on surface material characteristics.
Creative FX for the Image node
Use A2Beauty and Washer Matchbox tools for beauty work and cleanup, and Physical Glare for camera lens effects.
Create multilayer timelines faster with the Auto Link Matches function. Use advanced conforming and troubleshooting tools in a single task-based area.
Effects tab: Task-based environment
Apply the shot-to-shot navigation principles of a color grading tool using a wide array of effects.
Image Timeline FX and Batch node
Use an integrated toolset for color, beauty work, production fix-it tasks, or freeform creative treatments on any image.
Editorial timeline
Oversee projects, create consistent looks, and correctly match graded and 3D VFX shots to editorial intention.
Automatic background reactor
Perform creative look dev tasks faster with automatic cache on playback when using Linux Flame.
Media management
Manage media better with support for additional formats and enhanced sharing and handling.
Matchbox API
Use GPU-accelerated GLSL shaders to solve challenges in Action’s 3D compositing environment.
Action: Projection tracking
Turn a projection into a UV set for geometry.
Use a scriptable handler to process your images via external renderers.
Connected Conform smart merge
Merge new editorial cuts dynamically with work-in-progress shots late in a project.
Modern color management
Track color space data on a per-clip basis, from source to screen. Includes ability to lock exported color policies.
HDR advanced hue curves
Quickly manipulate specific colors in a shot, without the need for keying.
Python API
Drive the Batch environment using scriptable commands.
Batch Paint animation
Adjust strokes using a multifunction edit box, animate them, or limit them with user-definable frame ranges.
Batch Paint editing
Individually edit paint strokes in the Paint node for a seamless look with 16-bit floating-point depth support.
Connected Conform workflow
Use a unified media management approach to share, sort, and sync media across multiple sequences.
GMask Tracer
Create sophisticated composites using a lightweight, spline-based shape tool with integrated chroma-keying tools.
Scopes: HDR waveform monitoring
Enhanced signal monitoring for HDR and WCG ranges. Colorspace tagging informs the scopes view.
Planar tracking
Expertly and easily track perspective changes with the versatile, high-performing Planar Tracker.
ShotGrid integration
Access the power of the ShotGrid review and production tracking toolset.
Blackmagic RAW support
Import Blackmagic Design RAW media.
Node-based compositing (Batch)
Batch integrates with the timeline and desktop to combine 2D and 3D elements iteratively.
Effects environments: Groups
Filter shots, make comparisons, and adjustments with this visual organizational structure.
Effects environments: Layouts
Customize layouts by setting viewports, storyboard, media panel, timeline effects pipeline, and more.